Please follow the instructions below, in order to successfully connect your Lovense device:
Make sure to use the Lovense extension for your browser.
Compatible browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Lovense browser (updated to their latest version)
If you are connecting your Lovense device via the Phone application then make sure to update the Lovense Connect application on your phone to the latest version.
If you are connecting your Lovense device via the Lovense PC adapter (dongle) then make sure to update the Lovense Connect application on your PC to the latest version.
Disable and Enable extension again.
Refresh the website after you finish all the updates.
Note: Make sure not to use any Ad-blocking browser extensions or Proxy servers (eg. CCleaner, Adblock).
You can find below the links you will need to download the extension and the Apps:
Lovense connect for mobile:
Lovense connect for PC: