Determined to start your webcam studio business? Our platform is here to welcome you into its great big family! We don’t take any percentage of the studio earnings; you will receive $0.05 per token, and it’s up to you to decide how to split it with models. Let’s get started.
Become a studio
Creating a studio account is free of charge and consists of 3 simple steps: email verification, identification, and studio agreement.
STEP 1: Email verification
Start off by creating your new studio account. Choose a username and introduce your email address.
You’ll instantly receive a confirmation email with your unique password that you can change anytime in “Settings and Privacy”. It is essential that you verify your email once you receive this confirmation. After that, if everything is successful, you’ll be redirected to your studio account to start creating the profile.
STEP 2: Identification
Now it’s time to select who’s running the studio account, an individual or a company. Keep in mind that only the studio account owner or its authorized representative should fill in all the fields and upload the necessary documents. On the next page, you must complete the personal information and upload your documents to verify that you’re the legal owner of the studio. This information will not be visible to anyone but our team, as they will need to crosscheck it with the given documents. For this reason, it’s important that you write your full name exactly as it appears on your ID.
Documents you need to upload:
- A close-up picture of your ID – if your ID has relevant information on both sides, please include the two of them.
- A picture of you holding your ID close to your face and a piece of paper with the current date and your studio account name written by hand.
The size of both photos needs to be at least 500x500 pixels and important information on them must be clearly readable.
STEP 3: Accept Studio Agreement
Upon completion of all the previous steps, now all you have to do is check the Studio Agreement box that appears at the bottom of the “Identification” page to agree to the rights and responsibilities that you take by collaborating with the platform. Click then on “Request Approval” and that’s it! All set to go!
Our team will review your documents within 3 days, and once this is done, they can either be approved or rejected. You will receive a notification via email in both cases and can also check the status of your application under the “Documents” menu. Good luck!
Adding models
Already looking at how to add models to your studio account? That probably means your account has been approved. Welcome aboard!
What you want to look for is “My Models”, located next to the tokens button at the header. When you click there you go to the My Models page, where you can add as many model accounts as you wish. You can check out our Basic Tour for Models page to learn every step of the way of creating a model profile and making the most of the platform.
Note that you can only have a maximum of 6 people per model account. Moreover, models can only have one single model account, and multiple couple/group accounts as long as the combination of people is different.
In case you have people registered to more than one account, they can only stream from one at a time, as it is prohibited to stream from several accounts simultaneously. You can easily transfer models between accounts if they are already registered to at least one account with approved documents. In My Models, you select the account where you want to add the person, choose “Add Person” and then “Select Existing Person”. After doing this you will see a list of all the models with approved documents in your studio and can select the one you want so that they’re copied to the new account.
To navigate your model accounts, go to the My Models page, and next to each account, you will find a three-dots button. When clicking on it, it displays the option to log in as a model. With this feature you don’t need to enter the credentials each time you want to log in, it will do it automatically in only one click.
Removing models
You can remove models from your studio account anytime by heading to “My Models” and selecting the pencil icon. Once you're on the “My Models” page, click on the three dots ⋮ next to each model account and it will display the options to either remove or delete that account.
Support does not detach models from studios, however, models can create a new account and the documents approved with the studio model account will be rejected automatically.