We offer DMCA as an additional service for models on our platform.
If you wish to remove copyrighted content from other sites, please follow these instructions:
- Login to your model account
- Go to the "Settings and Privacy" page
- Go to the "DMCA Protection" field at the bottom of the page
- File a request to remove content on other sites by providing all infringed URLs:
To be removed from Google search, you can go through Google's copyright infringement form: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/legal-removal-request?complaint_type=dmca&visit_id=1-636350841747638156-2212189688&rd=1&pli=1
Please note that once you send a request, it might take a few weeks in order for the content to be successfully removed. The service is offered by a third-party company, and we do not have control over submitted requests.